About Us—Doctrinal Statement | Bylaws
An overview paragraph will go here above the doctrinal statement. This is just a placeholder until I receive this statement and will be a couple of lines tall—enough to be substantial, but not too wordy.
Representation in the Conference with all privileges of the same shall be open to all endorsing or certifying agencies or groups authorized to provide chaplains who hold as the same as matters of faith and conviction.
Doctrinal Statement
- The Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God and the absolute standard for moral conduct
- The doctrine of the Trinity
- The Lordship of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God born of the Virgin Mary
- Salvation through repentance and faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ on the cross
- The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, the ascension of Jesus Christ, and His Second Coming
Adopted 27 January 2005 Revised and Restated 17 September 2014
- Name The name of this body shall be: The International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers (ICECE)
- Purposes and Responsibilities ICECE’s purposes and responsibilities are:
- To serve as a liaison between affiliated Endorsers and the Armed Forces, Veterans Administration, Bureau of Prisons, Emergency Services and other agencies that require chaplaincy services under the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution or to maintain professional standards and necessary spiritual support, and to manifest to them and the nation that there are common areas of spiritual and moral convictions and concerns to which those within the Conference affirm united commitment.
- By fostering within the Conference an understanding of and concern for the welfare and interest of each endorsing agency and the chaplain’s denominational integrity.
- By providing a forum and means to identify, define and communicate our mutual evangelical concerns and objectives and, when agreed upon, to take action with the appropriate authority to support the spiritual ministry to and the moral welfare of the organizations receiving chaplaincy services.
- To promote and protect the Evangelical Chaplaincy as follows:
- By providing information and assistance, as requested, on matters pertaining to the procurement, endorsement, and ecclesiastical support, care and status of chaplains.
- By disseminating information on matters which affect the ministry of the chaplains and the spiritual and moral welfare of service personnel, their families and others who receive chaplain ministry.
- By fostering ways and means to support the institution of the chaplaincy and by rendering appropriate support to Evangelical Endorsers and their chaplains.
- By avoiding the dangers of secularization and resisting the marginalization of the power of the Gospel, by fulfilling our obligation as Evangelicals to be effective witnesses to our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Membership
- Members shall hold as matters of faith and conviction the seven faith statements listed below, the rejection of which in word or practice shall constitute a voluntary withdrawal from ICECE.
- The Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God and the absolute standard for moral conduct, faith and practice;
- The doctrine of the Trinity as defined by the Athanasian Creed;
- That Jesus Christ is Lord, the only begotten Son of God born of the virgin Mary;
- Salvation through repentance and faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ on the cross;
- The physical resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, and His Second Coming;
- The New Testament standard for those who rule the church and teach doctrine, permits only ordained men to serve as Chaplains; and,
- Marriage is the legal and blessed union of one man, who is born a male, and one woman, who is born a female.
- ICECE shall have two classes of membership: Full and Associate.
- Full membership in ICECE with all privileges of the same shall be open to all chaplain endorsing or certifying agencies or groups authorized to provide chaplains, and who specifically designate the ICECE voting member that is officially related to the endorsing or certifying activities of their ecclesiastical bodies or faith communities, and:
- Have paid their “full fiscal fair share,” as shall be established or adjusted by the adoption of a “Fair Share Policy.”
- Have attended ICECE meetings for two years.
- Associate membership in ICECE is authorized by a vote of the Full Membership for those who meet the following criteria:
- Individuals or organizations (through a representative) who may participate in ICECE discussions, activities, consultations and meetings; who may sign their agreement with ICECE resolutions, papers, or letters.
- In addition to participation as listed in the previous sub-paragraph, organizational Associate members shall be voting members except on changes to the ByLaws, Fair Share Policy, and membership.
- Authority
- The autonomy of the endorsing agencies or organizations affiliated with ICECE shall not be infringed upon by ICECE. Thus:
- No requirements shall be placed on affiliates of ICECE that are not expressly stated in these ByLaws.
- No action shall be taken in the name of the Conference in violation of the principles and practices of any member faith group or religious body.
- The authority of ICECE shall be expressed as follows:
- Each represented endorsing agency or organization shall have one vote that shall be given in person or by telephone during a duly called meeting of ICECE. A quorum for a meeting shall consist of 50% of the Full Members.
- The Conference shall approve any matter of business by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum present.
- No matter pertaining to changes in ByLaws or Fair Share Policy shall be presented for a vote that has not been announced to the voting members at least two weeks prior to the vote.
- Conference authority established in the ByLaws may be explained or applied by Conference approved Policies or Directives that do not alter the statement or intent of the ByLaws.
- Organization
- The Conference shall operate under policy governance. Policies may be established or changed at any meeting of the Full Membership of the Conference.
- The conference shall organize itself into committees as needed for the performance of its tasks. Terms of service, purposes and responsibilities of committees, approved by the Conference, will be delineated in appropriate policies. Committees may include, among others as necessary:
- An Executive Committee;
- A Public Issues Committee;
- A Chaplaincy Issues Committee;
- A Nominating Committee;
- A Conference Committee;
- A Budget Committee.
- Officers
- The Conference shall elect, by majority vote, the following, whose duties shall be those that normally appertain to their offices:
- A Chairman, to preside at all meetings;
- A Chairman-Elect, when available;
- A Secretary, to insure that Conference records are maintained;
- A Treasurer, to be responsible for ICECE finances.
- Officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and assume office. Terms of office, rotation from office, election process, and temporary appointment to fill vacancies shall be established by an ICECE “Election of Officers Policy.”
- Executive Committee
- All officers and two (2) members-at-large appointed by the Conference shall function as an Executive committee. Officers shall serve on the Executive Committee while holding office and Members-at-large shall be appointed according to the ICECE “Election of Officers Policy.”
- The Executive Committee shall serve as the nominating committee.
- The ICECE Chairman shall chair the Executive Committee and shall serve as the voice of the Conference to the Executive Director (CEO) when the Conference is not in plenary session.
- Executive Director
- The Conference may appoint or employ an Executive Director who shall:
- Serve as the CEO of ICECE;
- Employ and manage ICECE staff according to an annual budget approved by the Conference, and an ICECE “Conference-Staff Linkage/Delegation Policy;
- Accomplish the goals established in an ICECE “Ends Policy;”
- Ensure that ICECE functions according to an ICECE “Governance Process Policy;” and,
- Insure ethics and prudence according to an ICECE “Executive Limitation Policy.”
- The Executive Director, in addition to all specific responsibilities delineated in ICECE Policies, shall do the following:
- Coordinate all matters requiring Conference action or attention with the Chairman;
- Facilitate communication with all responsible parties within ICECE, and serve as the voice of ICECE with parties outside of ICECE;
- Coordinate the ICECE Annual Conference and other events necessary to fulfill the purposes of ICECE;
- Insure that the Treasurer has all necessary information for the presentation of an Annual Budget;
- Serve as an Ex-officio member of all committees.
- Meetings
- The Conference shall meet annually to correspond with the annual Department of Defense Endorsers Conference with a draft agenda for this annual meeting distributed at least thirty (30) days in advance.
- The Executive Committee and other committees shall meet as necessary.
- Special meetings of the Conference may be called by the Chairman by notifying the ICECE members by regular or digital mail, at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting. When necessary, one-third (1/3) of the membership shall have the right to call a plenary session after thirty (30) days written notice to the Conference.
- Budget and Finances
- The Executive Committee functions as the Budget Committee and will appoint advisors as deemed necessary for special purposes, periodic reviews or audits.
- Financial support of the Conference shall be received from the membership through the ICECE Fair Share Policy, from affiliated individuals and organizations, and from other sources desiring to further the purposes of ICECE.
- Amendments
- These ByLaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Full Members in a regular or special meeting.
- The proposed amendment shall be included with the agenda sent to members thirty (30) days in advance.
- Dissolution of Corporation and Liquidation of Property
- In the event that dissolution of ICECE becomes necessary, the elected officers and remaining active members shall have full authority to enforce this provision.
- All active members shall be notified in writing thirty (30) days in advance of a meeting called for dissolution.
- In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of ICECE will be turned over to one or more evangelical organizations, which themselves are exempt as organizations described in Sections 501(c)(3) and 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, for their religious purposes. No person associated with this corporation may derive benefit or gain from this assignment of assets.
- Should any ministry related to ICECE be able to continue as a separate corporation, it shall receive priority in distribution of ICECE assets.
- Adoption
- These ByLaws, adopted by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Full Members of ICECE in a duly called meeting in which a quorum was present on 27 January 2005, was revised and restated by at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Full Members present and voting at a duly called meeting in which a quorum was present on 17 September 2014. These ByLaws supercede any other ByLaws of the International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers. It is hereby understood and expressed that these ByLaws are, in their totality, a complete substitution and replacement of any former articles or ByLaws that may or may not have been formulated in full or in part by the Full Members of the International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers.